Studi per quadri non realizzati. Quaderno 18

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Studi per quadri non realizzati. Quaderno 18


Thomas Braida donated some pages from his notebooks to the MoRE Museum. This type of donation sobering to what we might call the pictorial projects in our imaginary, where the notebook (rich in literary references and artistic influences) in the hands of Braida is enriched with drawings and design sketches.
Leaving the romantic vision of the artist who depicts life, from Braida's design material emerges not just a simple and quick pencil stroke on a white sheet, but rather pages of notebooks which have a design characterized by a complex use of techniques and colors thanks, pastels, watercolors, markers, pens, and nibs. In all, there are three donations, notebook 16 of 2015-2016, notebook 17 of 2016-2017 and the number 18 of 2017-2018.
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Braida, Thomas




Rossi, Valentina




Still Image

Rights Holder

Thomas Braida
MoRE Museum



Braida, Thomas, “Studi per quadri non realizzati. Quaderno 18,” MoRE, accessed March 12, 2025,

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