Monument for a Forgotten Education (based on Goeritz's and Barragan's “Torres de Satélite”,1958)

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Monument for a Forgotten Education (based on Goeritz's and Barragan's “Torres de Satélite”,1958)


Monument for a Forgotten Education is a model version of the public monument of Mathias Goeritz and Luis Baraggan Torres de satellite (satellite towers) which is located in Mexico City and is assumed to be one of the most characteristic public projects of Mexican modernity.
Monument for a Forgotten Education is conceived with the aim to replace the walls of the Monument “Torres de satellite" made from reinforced concrete with chalkboard paint on wood, giving an emphasis to the educational awareness, rewriting the history of a certain modernity that deals with abstraction and collective amnesia. The aesthetic values of public monuments have thus been reverted as by the substitution of the original material as well as the different scale of the model.
Monument for a Forgotten Education is included to a production of works under the general title of Part Company. These works combine antithetical approaches to community living and social participation by two distinct figures of Mexican Modernism, Greek-Mexican activist Plotino Rhodakanaty (1828-1892) and Mexican artist of German origin Mathias Goeritz (1915-1990). The artist adapts models of public sculptures by Goeritz informed by research on Rhodakanatys’ political concepts. The constructions explore a broader context around social class, politics of sculpture, architecture and design, encompassing rather than isolating these two separate ideologies.
Understanding modernity's discourse through Goeritz's approach is an intriguing way to justify the rejection of memory (from collective to interpersonal relationships) and complements Rhodakanaty's ethics through which Goeritz cannot be restricted exclusively to the field of aesthetics, just as socialist narratives may not be solely perceived through a passive reception of a political message.
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Velonis, Kostis




Scipioni, Lydia Elena




Still Image

Rights Holder

Kostis Velonis
MoRE Museum



Velonis, Kostis, “Monument for a Forgotten Education (based on Goeritz's and Barragan's “Torres de Satélite”,1958),” MoRE, accessed January 26, 2025,

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