as yet untitled (Stairs)
The idea was to reflect on the art fair context which is a recurring impulse in the artist's work. Context is not neutral, and can sometimes be oppressive as in the case of an art fair.
The proposal for Frieze London made reference to ambition and the competitive, attention grabbing motivation behind many projects for these art fairs. It would point to the competition for limited places and the curators’ power. The artist, caring very little about making a name for herself, uses the abbreviated 'G. Küng', which is meant to encapsulate a stance of resistance.
The project would consist of really oversized photographic prints on the theme of "stairs.” She would photograph models in board or plaster, variations on the stair form. They would be difficult stairs, treacherous ones or impossible to climb stairs: their shape would mean that if you tried to climb them, they would topple over, or a step would have a broken part, or they would get taller and taller as you climbed. Enlarging the photos hugely, the images would be too tall for the pseudo-walls of the art fair, and the prints would stick out above the walls.
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