The unrealised project Artisti coraggiosi proposed by Pablo Echaurren in 1974 to Galleria La Margherita in Rome, involved the participation of the artist who, seating at a table inside the bare spaces of the gallery, equipped with papers, scissors…
Rouge Selavy is the title of a work that Echaurren designed in 1977, a fundamental year because on that very date the artist decided to (temporarily) abandon art to devote himself to politics. The artist writes with a blue pen over a lined notebook…
The project consists of a combined installation of two spinning wheels that move a system of threads, the threads descend from a chrysalis attached to the ceiling. The quote is clear and obvious. In fact, Echaurren mentions the famous ready-made of…
Pablo Echaurren's project, like many others, is elaborated through notes written in blue pen on a page of a squared notebook. The artist's intent is already clear from the title "Monumento Fortuito". In fact, in 2015 the artist plans to create a…
Mon Alice is a small plastic sculpture measuring a few centimeters (8 x 4 x 3 cm); it is a maquette for a larger sculpture designed by Echaurren in 2018.The sculpture represents Alice in Wonderland in the Disney version, the one now ingrained in the…
This work by Echaurren also reflects some Duchampian elements and echoes. The unrealized project depicts a bronze sculpture of a monkey holding an iron with its right hand: if the animal is adherent to all the artist's work declined to the universe…